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Context (Difference between U13 and U5 events)

This story only happen in U13 the same exact events happen in U5, the only difference is Super Atomic Boo was defeated by Link Nukem during the battle inside the Deadly Monster section avoiding the whole boo invasion, Legende responded to Link Nukem call and came to the universal prison with the 10 other Universal Guardians.

Without the Boos problem The Legendary Shiny Mew Two Y God was easily defeated by the combine effort and team work of the 10 guardians and order is restore in the prison.

The biggest difference is The Goddess of Life didn't heal Link Nukem who was seriously injured in space which allowed WeeGee to get unseal and unlock his Spirit WeeGee form without Link Nukem getting in his way he went on destroying the prison in a attempt to free his master.


Super Spirit WeeGee big mistake!

Super Spirit WeeGee with some difficulty was able to destroy the powerful wall and shields of inside the prison one by one and was able to reach the main room where he surprise The Universal Guardians and the rest of the prison forces.

They all were surprise to see all the scanner inside the room and the scanner inside of the prison guards helmet suddently explode as WeeGee appears, he slowly walk toward the gate leading to TBWH seal chamber ignorint the guardians and everybody else.

Few Elite guards try to stop him, but they are vaporized by Super Spirit WeeGee aura or so they thought but only the Universal Guardians could see what truly was happening WeeGee punched them vaporizing them in the process, but it was so quick the normal guards didn't see it, the Guardians were ready to stop him Crom was already starting to charge but Lohemgramm told them to wait and watch.

WeeGee reach the Giant door and look at it and fire a huge beam at it, but the door absorb all of it and renforce itself with a powerful shield surprise and annoyed by this turn of event WeeGee jump and deal a powerful punch breaking the shield and touching the door, as soon as he touch the door a giant reaction occur hitting WeeGee and sending him flying back crashing on the floor burn to the bones and smoking as nothing left of him but a burning skeleton.

WeeGee didn't know than the door was protected by the full power of the quadforce and only Link Nukem can touch it after doing a special ritual to take down it's defense.

It was time to attack the Guardians didn't lose a single seconds they knew this enemy was way beyond anything they faced before Legende uses one of her ability called "Guardians Link"to link all of the guardians together sharing their power and mind allowing them to grow in power and reaction speed and able to speak in each other mind and all of their ability gains certain effects from all the other Universal Guardians ability.

They surround him and prepare a plan to defeat him, WeeGee suddently heal in a seconds and launch few beam attacks in all direction, Magic Emperor protect everybody with shields thanks to Legende Guardians Link ability, Magic Emperor shield now absorb beam type attacks which renforce his shields making them harder to break.

Blue Blazer who was running around WeeGee unleash his beam blades creating a giant cage which become smaller and cut Spirit WeeGee in pieces at the same time Crom smash WeeGee making his parts fly everywhere in the room as Earthmate Pete and Magic Emperor trap every single of his parts inside shields.

For a moment not a single noise is heard in the giant room as a strange silence last for over 10 seconds, until suddently all the parts of WeeGee but one turn black and vaporize themselve the Universal Guardians were waiting for this as all the guardians fire a huge beam attacks and hit the shield, the whole prison defence also fire at the shield renforcing it.

Super Spirit WeeGee was now trap inside the small shield as Magic Emperor made it become smaller and smaller slowly crushing WeeGee inside it until the shield become the size of a little ball Magic Emperor with the help of Earthmate Pete sent the little ball against the door leading to TBWH chamber.

WeeGee is hit over and over by powerful discharge inside the shield which is renforced at the sametime, The Guardians feel WeeGee energy getting weaker and weaker and completely disappear, Magic Emperor to be sure WeeGee is dead reduce the size of the shield to the size of an atom, the guardians look at each other, did they win?

This last for over two hours as WeeGee seem to be dead or at least under control the Guardians wonder where is Link Nukem and why he didn't come back yet, suddently a dark energy come out of the door the Guardians realize there a very small crack on the door at the same place where the ball was earlier probably left by all the stress and energy that was release on the door in that exact little spot.

This dark energy take a form as a giant face made of flame appears in front of them as billions of soul come out screaming in agony everybody but the guardians are petrified by fear and horrified unable to move if they mind wasn't combines they would surly be overcome by fear too.

The giant face with a dark deep voice tell them "Your great hero is dead and soon you will join him!" As all the dark energy goes inside the tiny ball, suddently Super Spirit WeeGee reappear as the ball grow in size WeeGee is pushing it back Magic Emperor and Earthmate Pete and The Great Brian try to hold it, but the shield is broken WeeGee come out and charge the guardians.


The Universal Guardians Last Battle (In details)

Super Spirit WeeGee charge them as he try to punch Lohemgramm a giant shield appears and block WeeGee attack giving Lohemgramm enough time to dodge before the shield break, but Lohengramm decide to take the hit as WeeGee break a parts of Lohemgramm armor and wound a bit his arm sending him flying crashing in a wall.

As soon as Lohemgramm touch the wall WeeGee is already on him grabbing him by the neck trying to break it, but before he could his arm is cut off by Blue Blazer lazer beam as King Magnus cut his other arms, Lohemgramm who was hit on purpose continue to execute the plan and pierce WeeGee with his energy wings which make WeeGee extremely heavy as each of his atom now weight more than planets.

WeeGee is surprise and fall on the floor making a giant explosion and creating a hole in the extremely resillient floors making multiple hole and ending up in the bottom room on the prison, WeeGee body heal itself and repairs every effected atoms in his body which cancel Lohemgramm ability.

WeeGee try to get up still obviously effected by what just happen as his body is having trouble to heal from the internal damages it caused to him to a atom level, Crom appears and hit him with all of his power with his giant sword who weight more that a whole galaxy from above and WeeGee easily block the attacks.

King Magnus cut his arms as Crom sword crush WeeGee on the floor as Blue Blazer create a giant cage made of Lazer beam trapping WeeGee inside it as Magic Emperor and Earthmate Pete assisted by The Great Briant reinforce the beam with shields.

The cage become smaller and smaller and literally vaporize WeeGee inside it as the beam disappears there is nothing left of WeeGee as his energy completely disappears again, but reappears as Lohemgramm is suddently took by a terrible pain coming from his arm.

Lohemgramm is horrified to see his arm grow in size as he see eyes pop out of his wound Lohemgramm cut his arm off with his energy wings as WeeGee come out of it, as WeeGee punches Lohemgramm earliar WeeGee hand was injured by his armor and left very small parts of his body inside Lohemgramm wound.

He used it to regen and reappears weeGee is left alone with Lohemgramm as the others followed WeeGee in the lower floor as Lohemgramm stayed behind to focus and prepare a powerful attack, Lohemgramm try to pierce WeeGee again with his wing, but WeeGee grab two of them as the rest pierce him WeeGee feel his body get heavy again, but have time to pierce Lohemgramm with his own wing.

WeeGee fall again inside the same hole he left earlier as Lohemgramm is left behind impaled by his own wings he fall on the ground seriously injured the other who were connected to Lohemgramm mind know what just happen as they see WeeGee fall unable to move Earthmate Pete and Legende take this chance to charge him and combines two very powerful attacks together.

Without warning Lohemgramm who is too injured and cannot focus to keep his ability on WeeGee activated suddently worn out allowing WeeGee to move again and block the two guardians attacks and and counter with two powerful kick hitting the two guardians sending crashing really hard on the floor below, The Great Brian hit WeeGee with a powerful lightning spell making a hole in his head and emporarily paralyzing him.

Crom hit him with his giant sword sending him flying, King Magnus unleash his millions slash techniques cutting him in pieces, Blue Blazer unleash his thousand of beam blades everywhere as Magic Emperor trap WeeGee inside a giant shield.

WeeGee is trying to recover but is immediately cut as soon as he try to regen by Blue Blazer beam blades, at this moment Super Spirit WeeGee goes 100% unleashing a giant shockwave that destroy all of the blades and break the shields sending all the guardians flying.

Super Spirit WeeGee now at his full power immediately target Magic Emperor and charge him, Magic Emperor know there is no way he can dodge this attack as he barely have time to put up a giant shield than it's already broken, he put another one which is also broken Earthmate Pete and The Great Brian see Magic Emperor cannot move when he create shields.

They come beside him and help him by renforcing his shield making a even bigger one that WeeGee broke in seconds, they create a super huge shield putting all they can into it, as Crom, Blue Blazer, Legende and King Magnus attack WeeGee from behind they attacks now barely can hurt WeeGee, but is enough to slow him down as they combines effort seem to work, but WeeGee continue to slowly advance towars the three guardians who are slowly push again the prison wall.

WeeGee unleash a giant beam attack behind him forcing the other guardians to dodge it and stop attacking, Magic Emperor see his own shield slowly starting to crush his father and son along with himself, Magic emperor look at his father and son and tell them he's sorry.

Magic Emperor take down the shield and push them away WeeGee hit him piercing his body with his arm, Magic Emperor grab WeeGee arm and smile as he said: "Using this power will kill me, but I take you down with me you son of a bitch" he break seal on his two hands which unleash all the life energy of Magic Emperor and all the energy he accumulated for thousand of years which directly go inside Super Spirit WeeGee body turning him into a giant cloud of smoke that quickly disappears in the air.

Magic Emperor body fall on the ground lifeless his father and son run back to him, but realize he's gone they don't have time to mourn him as WeeGee reappear again and regen from smoke particul in the air behind The Great Brian and immediately grab him.

The Great Brian react by letting out a giant wave of heat and lightning than barely injure WeeGee as he slowly crush Brian body with his arms, Legende pierce WeeGee head, but don't seem to effect him at all as the other guardians try to save Brian WeeGee crush The Great Brian breaking all of his bones as he let his lifeless body fall on the ground.

We slowly turn his eyes and look at the othere guardians saying. "You are next---" But is cut mid-sentence by Crom appears out fo no where going at multiple time the speed of light charging WeeGee with his giant sword he is stop with a single hand, WeeGee continue "Next after this fool" He quickly take Crom Giant Sword and hit him crushing him on the wall with his own sword killing him.

(Will finish the rest tomorrow and also try to correct the grammar/spelling since I didn't double check yet or truly tried to make it look good I writen all of this really fast)
